Whether you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are committing an offense that could result in serious consequences. Even if it is a first offense you could end up in jail, with your license suspended for a year, facing fines, and community service. Our ... Continue Reading
How Does Juvenile Court Differ from Adult Courts?
There is nothing more intimidating than standing in a courtroom, especially if you are a minor. It should be noted that there are some major differences between a minor standing in front of a judge in a juvenile court, and an adult facing a jury of his or her peers. Most are a ... Continue Reading
How Can I Reinstate my Suspended Driver’s License?
Having you license suspended is something everyone may encounter at some point in their life. It doesn’t just happen when you commit a serious offense. You can have your license revoked if you were supposed to pay a fine and it just slipped your mind. Call our Peachtree City ... Continue Reading